How to cram for an exam correctly?

Posted on Sun, 09 Jan 2022

When you have tests coming up, it can super easy for us to forget the complete basics and end up studying for something we shouldn’t or even worse, messing up the test dates completely.

In this post, my aim is to illustrate the best way to approach cramming for an exam, all under 320 words. While I do not praise cramming for a test, but many times the idea of procrastination leads us in this pathway.

1. Layout

Have you ever seen a building still standing today without a proper foundation? Then how are you studying without a layout.

A layout can be as simple as a sticky notes with the topics written down, or as complicated as a whole textbook outline. Either one works, the main point to get across here is that you need some way to know what you are going to target. The simplest way to find an outline, is by looking at your previous assignments.

2. Filtering

Why study Newton Law’s of Physics when you already have them memorized? Or why spend time on Punnet Squares when you don’t understand Mendel’s Laws of Genetics.

When you are cramming for a test, filter out everything you can explain or understand. Then spend most of your time on what you don’t understand or know.

3. Study Guide

This step should be towards the end of study session. Now it's time to put all that crammed information together. A study guide should aim to have the information that you are most likely to forget, and any extra information that could have a higher chance of showing up on a test.

For example, include practice questions you had trouble on, notes on topics you felt confused about, things you would need last minute, etc. The only person seeing this guide is YOU, the late night studier.

That’s it. Good luck on your next test 😄!