Remember 2021, Saying Goodbye's

Posted on Fri, 24 Dec 2021

Happy holidays from Ammar!

We are now down to a countdown to the final days of 2021. The year was a blast for some or a rollercoaster for others. Either way, I am sure you could recall probably your favorite memory of 2021 and see how it could have not happened if we were in 2020.

While the world did begin to transition back into a normal lifestyle, it did not reach the full potential of a normal lifestyle as masks and hand sanitizer still exist in our day-to-day lives.

The transition of the World

We only heard and read of COVID-19 towards November of 2019, however, who knew it will still impact us to this day. Now we are starting to see many different variants such as Delta or Omricon. Anyway, 2021 continued with the transition and still impacts our lives today.

New Year Resolutions

We are only about 7 days from a New Year, in other words, welcoming 2022 into our lives. There is very limited time remaining for coming up with New Year Resolutions. Think of things you want to accomplish in the New Year.

Your resolution doesn’t even have to be something you want to accomplish, it could be literally a belief you want to hold strong to. (e.g. not overthinking).

A few examples of New Year Resolutions might be:

  • Thinking positively
  • Eating healthy
  • Being active 30 minutes a day
  • Reducing screen time usage


Maybe you might consider challenging yourself this upcoming year. I am not speaking of basic challenges like washing the dishes with the right soap but rather challenges that will change who you are as a person.

A few examples of those challenges would be

  • Learn a new language (Ex: Spanish, French, Arabic...)
  • Get rid of songs of the past year and shape yourself with better songs that will in the end make you a better person.
  • Phone Off Hours - Like not using your phone as soon as you wake up or before going to sleep

Future of Ammar’s Corner

Looking into 2022, I am planning on writing here about once per week. Bringing all sorts of different posts. Here are the current topics I plan on covering

  • Personal Goal Achievement
  • Being successful in classes
  • Conspiracy Theories
  • Being Motivated

Even here and there have a few stories that will take you through roller coasters of comedy and much more!

Concluding Off

Anyways, keep safe, spread the joy of the holidays! Let’s unite the world, to eliminate hate between the people. Let’s all become one unity!