Remembering 2022, A Reflection

Posted on Sat, 24 Dec 2022

Happy holidays from Ammar!

We are now down to a countdown for the final days of 2022. The past year has been an individual journey for us all. Despite shared experiences, we each faced our own specific challenges and found ways to overcome them - whether academic or personal. It was an experience that brought out the best in us and will stay with us into the future.

New Year Resolutions

We are only about 7 days from a New Year, in other words, welcoming 2023 into our lives. There is very limited time remaining to come up with your New Year Resolutions. Think of things you want to accomplish in the New Year.

Your resolution doesn’t even have to be something you want to accomplish, it could be literally a belief you want to hold strong to. (e.g. not procrastinating). Focus your New Year resolutions around

A few examples of New Year Resolutions might be:

  • Thinking positively
  • Adding Meditation to your Daily Routine
  • Becoming increasingly organized
  • Save money by budgeting
  • Develop better time management skills
  • Make time to exercise regularly


Maybe you might consider challenging yourself this upcoming year. I am not speaking of basic challenges like washing the dishes with the right soap but rather challenges that will change who you are as a person.

A few examples of those challenges would be

  • Try a new cuisine - explore different cultures through their cuisines and discover new flavors and dishes
  • Take on a creative project - it could be anything from writing a blog to creating a podcast or painting a mural
  • Phone-off hours - Like not using your phone as soon as you wake up or before going to sleep
  • Connect with people - challenge yourself to make new friends and build meaningful relationships
  • Try a new hobby - there is always something new to learn, whether it's woodworking, cooking, or painting

Future of Ammar’s Corner

This blog didn’t receive much love in 2022, however, 2023 is gonna be the year when this blog will shine for the values that it was meant to represent. I will AIM for at least one post every week (like I’ve said every year in the past), and diversify the posts for all ranges of topics.

My main mission in mind is to make this blog a place of knowledge and exploration, and let's make sure that everyone can benefit from its content.

Computer Science / Dev Blog

I will be bringing back up my old dev blog that focussed on Web Development as well. The following post-release schedule is planned so that even if you are new to web development, you won’t feel behind.

  • Goals and Plans for 2023
  • What is Web Development? And how could you get started?
  • Best Resources for Web Development
  • What else exists within the realms of computer science?

Concluding Off

As we enter into this holiday season, let us strive to come together as one and put aside our differences. Let us work to spread the joy of the holidays and eliminate hate between the people of the world. Let us strive to bring harmony and unity amongst us, so that we may all share in the blessings of the season. Let us find joy in the time we spend with family and friends, and let us take this time to remember that we all have the power to make a difference in the world. Let us come together in peace and love and make this season one of joy and unity!